After much debating (mostly internally), I have decided to start another blog. However, this blog isn't about my life, recipes, my dog, my job, craft projects, or any of the other things so many people seem to be writing about these days and posting on various media outlets (i.e. facebook). Instead, I decided to start a blog about the Red Sox.
Why did I decide this? There are a few reasons:
1) Because I haven't seen any blogs written about the Red Sox, by a woman living in Iowa. Plain and simple. I get very frustrated when people just assume that I don't know anything about sports because I'm a woman. NEWSFLASH: women can/do know things about sports. I've been going to Red Sox games most of my life. I was born into it; my entire family are Red Sox fans.
2) Because let's face it, being a Red Sox fan living in Iowa (or the Midwest, or any other place besides New England) isn't always that great. We get the typical "front-runner" response when asked who our favorite baseball team is. We'll get the question "Why aren't you a Cubs/White Sox/Cardinals/Twins/Royals/Brewers fan?" (Seriously?). Personally, if I wasn't a Red Sox fan, I don't know if I would be fans of any of those teams.
3) Because I enjoy both writing and the Red Sox. Sometimes, I just need to get things out, so this is going to be my outlet.
I hope everyone enoys the blog and feel free to participate in discussions.
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